Welcome to Microcavity Group!
Optical micro-cavity and nanostructure group is focusing on integrated optical quantum information techniques. Such an optical chip with integrated photons source from single quantum dot emission or nonlinear optical process in nanostructure, high efficient quantum operations based on photon-photon interaction in micro-cavity, and Surface Plasmon assisted transmission, filter, and detection will be applied as the basic units for quantum internet and future quantum simulations.
Integrated optical quantum information techniques show higher stability, higher fidelity, and lower power consumption than free space linear optical techniques. Along with the photon-atom interaction with micro-cavity QED, quantum two-qubit operation with nonlinear interaction between photons shows overwhelming advantages over those linear optical operations based on photon interference. More important, the fabrication can be well transplanted from with mature traditional integrated optical techniques.
Main topics:
1. Photon source:
Single photons from single quantum dot or NV center in diamond with the interaction with micro-cavity, nano-wire or metal surface Plasmon; Two photons from micro-cavity parametric down conversion;
2. Transmission and linear optical operation;
On-chip interferometer with optical waveguides and nano-wires; Surface Plasmon assisted polarization operations;Optical filters with micro-cavity;
3. Photon-photon interaction with micro-cavity QED:
Fabrication of micro-cavity with diamond, silica, and other materials;
Fabrication of NV centers in diamond;
Manipulation of spin level in NV center with optics and micro-wave;
4. Detection |
Group News
2013.06 Prof. Chun-Hua Dong joined our group. Welcome!
2013.05 Chang-Ling and Jin-Ming have defended their Ph.D. theses. Congratulations! Dr. Zou and Dr. Cui!
2013.04 Chang-Ling Zou's work on "Theory of free space coupling to high-Q whispering gallery modes" has been accepted by OE.
2013.03 Jin-Ming Cui's work on "Quantum statistical imaging of particles without restriction of the diffraction limit" has been accepted by PRL.
2013.02 Xiang-Dong Chen's work on "Vector magnetic field sensing by single nitrogen vacancy center in diamond" has been accepted by EPL.
2012.12 Jin-Ming Cui's work on "Controlling deformation in a high-quality-factor silica microsphere toward single directional emission" has been accepted by Applied Optics.
2012.09 Chang-Ling Zou's work on "High Q and Unidirectional Emission Whispering Gallery Modes: Principles and Design" has been accepted by the IEEE Photonics Society (IPS) Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics.
2012.09 Mr. Shen LI and Mr. Zhen SHEN joined us. Welcome!
2012.08 Chang-Ling Zou's review on WGM microcavity is accepted by SCIENTIA SINICA Phys, Mech & Astron.
2012.06 Wei-Jian Chen's work on intergrated entangled photons source is accepted by JOSA B. Also, his Bachelor's thesis was selected as one of outstanding theses of USTC 2012. Congratulations!
2012.05 Prof. Chee Wei Wong from Columbia University visited our group and gave a seminar "Controlling light in chip-scale photonic crystals".
2012.01 Chun-Hua Dong's work on polarizated light coupled with SPP is accepted by APL.
2012.01 Chang-Ling Zou's work on movable fiber-integrated hybrid plasmonic waveguide is accepted by PTL.
2012.01 Jin-Ming's work on NV fabrication is accepted by CPL.
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