

报告时间:6月15日 周五  下午3:00



报告题目: Optical Hybrid Architectures for Quantum Information Processing

报告摘要: Optical qubit stands as an excellent candidate for carrying quantum information due to unique properties such as low decoherence, fast transmission, and easy manipulation. In traditional optical quantum information processing, there are two complementary approaches for encoding information based on discrete or continuous variables of light field, each exploiting only one aspect of the wave-particle duality of light. Recently, tremendous effort has been dedicated to combination of both approaches in a so-called optical hybrid architecture aiming to gather the benefits from both sides and to circumvent their individual limitations. This talk will give a brief introduction on this emerging but potentially powerful endeavor. In particular, generation, manipulation and characterization of high-fidelity discrete-variable (DV) and continuous-variable (CV) optical quantum states will be presented as well as the experimental realization of an essential hybrid entanglement resource between particle-like and wave-like optical qubits. Such a hybrid entangled state enables to transfer quantum information via remote state preparation between heterogeneous nodes functioning with different information encodings. The integration of discrete- and continuous-variable sources, operations, and technologies would constitute indispensable hybrid toolboxes in the perspective of applications to quantum information processing across heterogeneous quantum optical networks in the future.

编辑时间:2018-06-11 08:32:46