
5月26日Mile Gu报告

报告时间:5月26日 周五 下午3:00


报告人:Prof. Mile Gu(Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)

报告题目:Quantum Simplicity: Can natural things look simpler through the lens of quantum theory?


We understand complex phenomena around us through predictive models — algorithms that generate future predictions when given relevant past information. Each modelencapsulates a way of understanding how the future depends on the observable past. In the spirit of Occam’s razor, the better we isolate what observations matter for future prediction, the greater our understanding. This philosophy privileges the simpler models; should two models make identical predictions, the one that requires less input information is preferred.

Yet, for almost all natural processes, even the provably optimal classical models waste information. They require information about the past that is uncorrelated with the future. In this presentation, I outline how we can harness the unique quantum effects to reduce this waste beyond classical limits. I describe quantum models make equally accurate predictions while requiring less information about the past than any classical counterpart, and recent efforts to realize these models in the laboratory conditions.

I discuss how these advances may fundamentally change what we consider in nature of be complex. Certain observed phenomena may appear to require tracking immense amounts of information to model classically, and yet remarkably little information quantum mechanically. Thus, existing notions of structure, complexity, and exactly what is difficult to model may change drastically in the advent of quantum technology.


编辑时间:2017-05-25 09:26:20