

报告时间:3月13日 周三 上午10:00


报告人:孙健 (中南大学物理与电子学院特聘教授)

报告题目: Electronic Transport in Low Dimensional Systems


     In this talk, I will first introduce the quantum dots-like transport in the monolayer and bilayer graphene nanoribbons due to the presence of charged disorders. Then I will talk about the strategy for building 0-dimensional quantum dot device in a short graphene nanoribbon by spatially selective chemical doping. Next, I will present the experimental observation of helical hole spin states in Ge/Si core/shell NWs. In such a quasi-1-dimensional system, the helical state resembles re-entrant conductance features in its quantized conductance measurements. The systematic investigation will be introduced. In the end, I will show the measurements of unique chiral magneto-transport in a type-II Dirac semimetal – PtSe2. Thanks to its layered nature, the quasi-2-dimensional thin flake can be mechanically exfoliated from the bulk, in which the trivial bulk transport is significantly suppressed and the chiral magnetoresistance can be electrically tuned.


     孙健,2008年于上海交通大学,获得机械电子专业工学学士。2013年毕业于沙特阿卜杜拉国王科技大学(KAUST),作为首届毕业生取得电子工程物理电子方向的博士学位。之后在日本国立北陆先端科技大学,日本国立理化学研究所从事研究工作。2018年回国加入中南大学中南大学物理与电子学院任特聘教授。长期以来一直专注于微纳米物理电子学的研究工作。研究涉及微纳加工技术、微纳机电系统、器件物理等。通过探索电子材料及结构中的新颖物理现象入手,结合开发微纳制程、新材料生长、及系统集成等技术问题,开发低能耗、高性能的微纳电子原型器件。主持有国家自然科学基金、日本国家基金等基金项目。在Science Advances,Nano Letters,APL,IEEE EDL等知名期刊发表有20篇学术论文。在IEEE sensors、Intermag 等国际知名会议担任学术委员会成员职务。

编辑时间:2019-03-06 20:14:34