





(Artificial nano-hybrids and their quantum properties)


When different materials are interfaced/jointed with each other, the resulted hybrid systems often manifest fascinating physical properties that do not exist in nature. Among the many artificial hybrids (sometimes addressed as meta-materials or hetero-structures), nano-hybrid made with low-dimensional materials and other functional materials is attracting tremendous attentions in recent years. In this talk, we will mainly go through two examples of our recent progresses on the graphene/superconducting-islands, and the graphene/h-Boron-Nitride nano-hybrid systems. In the former, the superconducting behavior is successfully coupled to the gate-tunable feature of graphene, leading to a metal-superconducting quantum phase transition at the ground state. While in the later, ultra-flat and ultra-clean interface allow ballistic electronic transport, opening new path to realize the paradigm of electron optics. We expect that artificial nano-hybrids and their quantum properties can be expanded into many research areas that are important for both fundamental studies and future applications.


中国科学院金属研究所,研究员。2010至2013年在法国中央研究院奈尔研究所完成低维纳米器件的电输运博士工作。2014年起在美国哥伦比亚大学物理系从事博士后研究工作,主要进行二维异质结构的纳米器件物性研究。2015年入选中组部“青年千人计划”在中国科学院金属研究所开展纳米功能器件的电磁输运研究工作,研究重点为新型堆垛人工异质结构及其相关的量子调控特性。相关研究工作发表在 Science、Nature Physics、Nature Materials 等杂志。

编辑时间:2017-01-03 15:58:53