





1. Dong-Sheng Ding, Zhi-Yuan Zhou, Bao-Sen Shi &Guang-Can Guo. Single-photon-level quantum imagememory basedon cold atomic ensembles. Nat. Commun. 4. 2527(2013).
2. Dong-Sheng Ding, Wei Zhang, Zhi-Yuan Zhou, Shuai Shi, Xi-Shi Wang,Yun-Kun Jiang, Bao-Sen Shi, and Guang-Can Guo. Quantum Storage of Orbital Angular Momentum Entanglement in an Atomic Ensemble. Physical Review Letters.114, 050502 (2015).
3. Dong-Sheng Ding, Yun Kun Jiang, Wei Zhang, Zhi-Yuan Zhou, Bao-Sen Shi, Guang-Can Guo. Optical precursor with four-wave mixing and storage based on a cold atomic ensemble. Physical Review Letters.114, 093601 (2015).
4. Dong-Sheng Ding, Wei Zhang, Zhi-Yuan Zhou, Shuai Shi, Bao-Sen Shi, Guang-Can Guo. Raman Quantum Memory of Photonic Polarized Entanglement. Nature Photonics 9. 332–338(2015)
5.Dong-Sheng Ding,Wei Zhang, Shuai Shi,Zhi-Yuan Zhou, Yan Li, Bao-Sen Shi, and Guang-Can Guo. Experimental generation of tripartite telecom photons by using an atomic ensemble and a nonlinear waveguide. Optica 2, 642-645(2015)
6.Dong-Sheng Ding, Zhi-Yuan Zhou, Wen Huang, Bao-Sen Shi, Xu-Bo Zou, and Guang-Can Guo. Experimental up-conversion of images. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 86, 033803 (2012).
7. Dong-Sheng Ding, Zhi-Yuan Zhou, Bao-Sen Shi, Xu-Bo Zou, and Guang-Can Guo. Image transfer through two sequential four-wave-mixing processes in hot atomic vapor. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 85, 053815 (2012).
8. Dong-Sheng Ding, Zhi-Yuan Zhou, Bao-Sen Shi, Xu-Bo Zou, and Guang-Can Guo. Generation of non-classical correlated photon pairs via a ladder-type atomic configuration: theory and experiment. OPTICS EXPRESS 20, 11433 (2012).
9. Dong-Sheng Ding, Jing-Hui Wu, Zhi-Yuan Zhou, Yang Liu, Bao-Sen Shi, Xu-Bo Zou, and Guang-Can GuoMultimode image memory based on a cold atomic ensemblePHYSICAL REVIEW A 87, 013835 (2013)
10. D.-S. Ding, Z.-Y. Zhou, B.-S. Shi,, X.-B. Zou, and G.-C. Guo. Linear up-conversion of orbital angular momentum. OPTICS LETTERS 37, 3270 (2012).
11. Dong-Sheng Ding, Jing-Hui Wu, Zhi-Yuan Zhou, Bao-Sen Shi, Xu-Bo Zou,andGuang-Can Guo Multiple images storage and frequency conversionin a coldatomic ensemblePHYSICAL REVIEW A 87, 053830 (2013).
12. D.-S. Ding, Z.-Y. Zhou, B.-S. Shi. Image cloning beyond diffractionbased on coherent population trapping in a hot Rubidium vapor.OPTICS LETTERS. 39.240-242. (2014).
13. Dong-Sheng Ding, Wei Zhang, Zhi-Yuan Zhou, Jian-Song Pan,Guo-Yong Xiang, Xi-Shi Wang, Bao-Sen Shi, and Guang-Can Guo. Toward high dimensional state quantum memory in a cold atomic ensemble. Phys. Rev. A 90, 042301 (2014).
14. Jinghui Wu, Yang Liu, Dong-Sheng Ding (共同第一作者), Zhi-Yuan Zhou, Bao-Sen Shi,* and Guang-Can Guo, Light storage based on four-wave mixing and electromagnetically induced transparency in cold atomsPHYSICAL REVIEW A 87, 013845 (2013)
15. Dong-Sheng Ding, Zhi-Yuan Zhou, Bao-Sen Shi, Xu-Bo Zou, Guang-Can Guo. Modulating an image through a non-material lens in a vapor cell. Optics Communications, 285, 1954–1958 (2012).
16. Dong-Sheng Ding, Zhi-Yuan Zhou, Bao-Sen Shi, Xu-Bo Zou, and Guang-Can Guo. Two-color ghost interference with photon pairs generated in hot atoms. AIP Advances 2, 032177 (2012).
17. DING Dong-Sheng, ZHOU Zhi-Yuan, SHI Bao-Sen, ZOU Xu-Bo, GUO Guang-Can. Two-Photon Atomic Coherence Effect of Transition 5S1/2–5P3/2–4D5/2(4D3/2) of 85Rb atoms. CHIN. PHYS. LETT. 29, 024202 (2012).
18.Dong-Sheng Ding, Zhi-Yuan Zhou, Bao-Sen Shi and Xu-Bo Zou. Efficient infrared upconversion via a ladder-type atomic configuration. Journal of Modern Optics 59,1768-1771 (2012).
19.Ding Dong-Sheng, Zhou Zhi-Yuan, Shi Bao-Sen Slow Light via Four-Wave Mixing in a Hot Rubidium Vapor. Chin. Phys. B Vol. 22, No. 11 (2013) 114203.
20.Shuai Shi, Dong-Sheng Ding*, Zhi-Yuan Zhou, Yan Li, Wei Zhang, Bao-Sen Shi. Magnetic-field-induced rotation of light with orbital angular momentum. Applied Physics Letters 106, 261110 (2015)
21. 丁冬生,周志远,史保森, 高维量子态存储,量子电子学报,第31卷,第4期,2014年.
22.施帅,丁冬生,周志远,李岩,张伟,史保森. 轨道角动量光的区分. 光学学报. 第35卷第6期(2015).
23.Zhi-Yuan Zhou, Dong-Sheng Ding, Bao-Sen Shi, Xu-Bo Zou, and Guang-Can Guo. Characterizing dispersion and absorption parameters of metamaterial using entangled photons. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 85, 023841 (2012).
24. Zhou Zhi-Yuan, Ding Dong-Sheng, Shi Bao-Sen, Zou Xu-Bo, and Guo Guang-Can. Properties of a dielectric plate using entangled two-photon states. Chin. Phys. B 21, 094204 (2012).
25. Yang Liu, Jinghui Wu, Dongsheng Ding, Baosen Shi and Guangcan Guo. Bichromatic field generation from double-four-wave mixing in a double-electromagnetically induced transparency system. New Journal of Physics 14, 073047 (2012).
26. Zhi-Yuan Zhou, Yun-Kun Jiang, Dong-Sheng Ding, Bao-Sen Shi, and Guang-Can GuoActively switchable nondegenerate polarization-entangled photon-pair distribution in densewave-division multiplexingPHYSICAL REVIEW A 87, 045806 (2013).
27. Zhi-Yuan Zhou, Yun-Kun Jiang, Dong-Sheng Ding & Bao-Sen Shi. An ultra-broadband continuously-tunable polarizationentangledphoton-pair source covering the C+Ltelecom bands based on a single type-II PPKTP crystal. Journal of Modern Optics. 60.807363 (2013).
28. Zhi-Yuan Zhou, Dong-Sheng Ding, Yan Li, Fu-Yuan Wang, Bao-Seng Shi, Guang-Can Guo. Cavity-enhanced narrow bandwidth photon pairs generation at the telecom wavelength with a triple resonance configuration. JOSAB, 31, 128-134, (2014).
29. J.-S. Pan, X.-B. Zou, Z.-Y. Zhou, D.-S. Ding, B.-S. Shi, G.-C. Guo. Nonlocal linear compression of two-photon time interval distribution. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 88, 061802(R) (2013).
30. Wei Zhang, Dong-Sheng Ding, Yun-Kun Jiang, Bao-Sen Shi, and Guang-Can Guo. Indirect precise angular control using four-wave mixing. Applied Physics Letters 104, 171103 (2014)
31.ZHANG Wei. DING Dong-Sheng, PAN Jian-Song. SHI Bao-Sen. Non-Classical Correlated Photon Pairs Generation via Cascade Transition of5S1/2–5P3/2–5D5/2 in a Hot 85Rb Atomic Vapor. CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 31, No. 6 (2014) 064208
32. Zhi-Yuan Zhou, Yan Li, Dong-Sheng Ding, Yun-Kun Jiang, Wei Zhang, Shuai Shi,Bao-Sen Shi & Guang-Can Guo. Generation of light with controllablespatial patterns via the sum frequencyinquasi-phase matching crystals. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 4, 5650. (2014)
33. Zhi-Yuan Zhou, Dong-Sheng Ding, Yun-Kun Jiang, Yan Li, Shuai Shi,Xi-Shi Wang, and Bao-Sen Shi. Orbital angular momentum light frequencyconversion and interference with quasi-phasematching crystals. OPTICS EXPRESS 22, 20298 (2014).
34. Zhi-Yuan Zhou, Yan Li, Dong-Sheng Ding, Wei Zhang, Shuai Shi, and Bao-Sen Shi. Optical vortex beam based optical fan for high-precisionoptical measurements and optical switching. OPTICS LETTERS. 39, 5098 (2014).
35. Zhi-Yuan Zhou, Yan Li, Dong-Sheng Ding, Wei Zhang, Shuai Shi, Bao-Sen Shi, and Guang-Can Guo. Highly efficient second harmonic generation of a light carrying orbital angular momentum in an external cavity. Optics Express Vol. 22, Iss. 19, pp. 23673–23678 (2014).
36.Yan Li, Zhi-Yuan Zhou, Dong-Sheng Ding, and Bao-Sen Shi. Low-power-pumped high-efficiency frequency doubling at 397.5 nm in a ring cavity. COL 12(11), 111901(2014)
37. Li, Yan; Zhou, Zhi-Yuan; Ding, Dong-Sheng; Shi, Bao-Sen. Sum frequency generation with two orbital angular momentum carrying laser beams. JOSA B, Vol. 32 Issue 3, pp.407-411 (2015)
38. Zhi-Yuan Zhou, Yan Li, Dong-Sheng Ding, Wei Zhang, Shuai Shi, Bao-Sen Shi, Guang-Can Guo. A classical to quantum optical network link for orbital angular momentum carrying light. Optics Express. 23.018435 (2015).

